I want to travel the world. Pretty much that's it. I don't really want to buy anything when I go to see the world, I just want to SEE the world. I don't want to have to worry about people kidnapping me, or taking my money, or running out of money...you know all the important stuff...I don't want to have to worry about that. I just want to see the world. Everywhere I haven't been, I want to be there. Everywhere.
I've already been to some places, but it's only a few next to the grandness of the rest of the world left for me to wander and explore.
Perhaps I should come up with some sort of show, like 'Wild America' or 'Rick Steves' (except with a less annoying voice), and I could be paid to go to all these places.
I wouldn't need much, just a backpack of the essentials and a walking stick-like Gandolf's from "The Lord of the Rings". The essentials being: clothes, toothbrush, deodorant, you know the things that can make you have a friendly appearance that won't have people saying, "Eww" and throw money at you to get you to go away-though that's not a bad idea to get extra spending cash for more essentials when those get worn out or gross.
I wouldn't carry a map. I wouldn't have a time span, unless I was doing something like-SEE THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS, kind of thing-you know for that show idea.
To see the world in one lifetime would be my goal. What will come of this goal well, we'll have to see.
Check list:
(picture is the delicacy of Bamboo worms in China)